While you probably bought your hot tub because you wanted to...

While you probably bought your hot tub because you wanted to enjoy a nice soak under the stars while also improving the value of your property, did you know that it can actually be good for your health as well?

Hot tub hydrotherapy is a great way to improve your overall health and it perfect to use alongside other exercise routines. It is also great for treating various injuries, as well. But what is it really and what can it actually do for you? Today, let’s focus on what hot tub hydrotherapy actually is and a few secrets about what it can do for you and your health.

Hot Tub Hydrotherapy Defined

Before we go into some of the best kept secrets of hot tub hydrotherapy, it is important that you all know exactly what it is. Hydrotherapy is basically the external use of water for the treatment of certain conditions and diseases. It’s a natural therapy that has been used for thousands of years and continues to be an important treatment in hospitals today.

Hot tub hydrotherapy is essentially the exact same thing only it uses your hot tub as the external water source instead of a location at some overly sterile doctor’s office in a cold, stark hospital. By using your hot tub for this therapy, you get all the health benefits that come with the hydrotherapy along with the added comfort of being in your very own hot tub. Just remember, you need to make sure your hot tub is at least 95 degrees Fahrenheit in order to see the best benefits from the therapy.

12 Secrets of Hot Tub Hydrotherapy

Now that we know what exactly hot tub hydrotherapy is, the time has now come for us to take a look at a few secrets and benefits of hot tub hydrotherapy.

1. It’s Easier Than You Think

While there are many therapy options out there that require the assistance of a licensed therapist, there are many that you can perform at home on your own with help from anyone.

2. It’s Good For Your Muscles

The warm, swirling waters of the hot tub will help your muscles relax and even stimulate your body to relieve the pain you are dealing with due to injury.

3. It Increases Your Circulation

The warm waters in a typical hot tub hydrotherapy session will raise your body temperature, resulting in your blood vessels dilating thus improving your circulation.

4. It Aids in Digestion

The jets in the water can actually help get your digestive system moving the way it should be so you, well, stay regular and take in all the nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy.

5. You Can Target Trigger Points

If your hot tub has the ability for you to target the jets to a certain area, you can easily target certain pressure points like those found in your hands and feet.

6. Water Buoyancy Decreases Pressure

While you are in the water, the natural buoyance will lower your body weight by 85 to 90%. This lightened load will ease the pressure on your joints and spine.

7. It’s Endorphin Releasing

The warm, swirling waters helps stimulate your body to produce endorphins. These are the body’s natural pain relievers meaning that even one hot tub session can help reduce the pain you are experiencing naturally.

8. Helps Your Cells Eliminate Waste

At the same time that your circulation is improved, your cells also begin working harder and more efficiently eliminating waste from your body. The end result is you feel better overall.

9. Can Help You Increase Strength

One of the hardest parts about an injury is rebuilding the muscle afterwards. The resistance of the water is a safe and effective way to rebuild those muscles no matter how bad the injury.

10. Boosts Your Immune System

During a typical hydrotherapy session, your body will be encouraged to increase the movement of lymph. This results in a boost to your immune system so you can more easily fight off infections.

11. It Can Help You Sleep

The warm waters in a hot tub can help stimulate your body’s systems to lower temperature, thus mimicking what happens when you sleep. This will help you sleep better later that night.

12. It’s Just Plain Fun

At the end of the day, hot tub hydrotherapy is just fun to do. Not only will it help you feel better but there is nothing quite like enjoying a nice soak while engaging in a good hydrotherapy session.

Final Thoughts

You may never have imagined that your hot tub could be used as a way to heal your injuries and improve your overall health. More often than not people buy hot tubs as something they can purely enjoy, but hot tubs can be used for much more than just enjoyment. Hot tub hydrotherapy is one of the easiest forms of therapy you can do when you own a hot tub and can go a long way toward improving your overall health.

If you own a hot tub or have been thinking of buying one, keep in mind that you can use it for more than just a nice relaxing soak. Using your hot tub can actually strengthen your muscles, release tension in your body, improve your blood flow, and much more. So why not start your hot tub hydrotherapy sessions today so you can start living a healthier life while also enjoying everything great about your spa.

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