Is it a Hot Tub or a Spa?So…what do you call it, a “hot...
Is it a Hot Tub or a Spa? So…what do you call it, a “hot tub” or a “spa?” When you’re searching them online, you probably use “hot tub” to avoid finding a bunch of places that want to do your nails and place flat, warm rocks up and down your back. But what do you call it the rest of the time? Hot tub? Spa? Maybe something else that reflects the rejuvenation you derive from it? Both “hot tub” and “spa” fall short of conveying the real power of our products. So what should we call it? The term ‘hot tub’ reminds many people of the 1970s when the name came into being. Back then, many hot tubs looked like large barrels made of wood. Seats were benches, and jets, motors, heaters, insulation and water treatment were all in their infancy. Not that it mattered much, because hot tubs were more of a novelty and a party space, neither of which helped their reputation much. The perceptions left over from those days are denying some people a great way to reclaim some peace of mind and many...