thehottublady: Top Ways To Enjoy Your Hot Tub We’re sure you...
Top Ways To Enjoy Your Hot Tub
We’re sure you don’t need a tutorial about enjoying your hot tub. But just in case you find yourself in a rut, here’s this summer’s top 3 way to enjoy your hot tub to the fullest!
1.Find the right temperature: While most hot tubs go between 80-102 degrees, it’s the 100-102 range that seems to be universally popular. I personally like my hot tub at 101. The right temperature can unlock all the full relaxation and beneficial properties of the spa. 104 is the standard temperature for commercial hot tubs and spas and generally this is the maximum water temperature setting for residential hot tub heaters. I find that anything over 102 is to warm and it cuts my soak down to 20 minutes or less. If I truly want to relax and unwind I like to stay in the hot tub for an hour or so and I need a bit lower temperature to do this.
2. De-stress: From reducing stress, headaches and blood pressure to improving blood flow, a soak in your hot tub can work wonders. If you feel stressed out or have joint point, turn to your hot tub. The spa relaxes muscles while releasing endorphins providing a natural feel good sensation. It unlocks your muscles so they can stretch out and release toxins letting your body heal and let go of the stress that builds up.
3. Experiment with Scents and Bubble Baths: Turn your hot tub into a true spa experience with the addition of favorite fragrances and essential oil products,(though make sure the products used are designed for hot tub use). Scents can be very powerful in invoking the right mood, from relaxation to romance. I personally love the inSPAration brand my favorite flavor is cucumber melon.
4. Have a Hot Tub Party: Good music, good friends, a glass of wine or beer? The ingredients to a perfect evening, right in your own garden. You can have so much fun planning a hot tub party. Making the invitations and going with a fun theme can really make it a night to remember.
5.Sleep Better, Be More Productive: Hydrotherapy in hot tubs helps to relax the body, lower internal body temperature and sleep better at night. A good night’s sleep can leave you feeling more energetic and productive. For best results, have a soak two hours before going to bed. My favorite part of owning a hot tub is this… after a long day crawling in and just shutting the world off and enjoying the warm water. I promise you will sleep better then you have ever slept before.
6.Spend Quality Time with Family: Rather than spending evenings in front of the television, getting the family together in the hot tub is a great way to spend quality time together and bond. The feeling of well-being experienced in hot tubs is sure to ensure a fun time with conversation flowing. It is amazing what my 16 year old will tell me after he warms up in the hot tub for a few minutes. I always know he has something on his mind when he asks do you want to hot tub. Most of my best discussions have happened in a hot tub.
7. Kickstart Your Day: There’s no better way to kickstart your day than taking a quick soak in your own Hot tub. The warm water and soothing jets will help you relax and prepare for the day ahead. Most productive days always start with a quick 20 minute soak in the hot tub with a cup of hot tea or coffee. A million times better then hitting the snooze button on my phone when the alarm goes off.
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